
Showing posts from September, 2021

What role does the Moon play?

The mood of the moment is heavily influenced by the position of the Moon. It changes sign every two and a half days. So look up the meaning of the Moon in the sign it is in for each day. Obviously the position of it in your own horoscope matters. A good place to get all the details for yourself is from astro-seek .

Change is a certainty, so when is it?

There is only one sure thing, and that is change. But when is it?  Look at the mood you are in at the tables in the stockstars  page. You can see when it is about to end. You will be able to see what the next mood is going to be, and when it is about to start.  Once you can see the change in the mood, you can be the change you wish to see.

You can't control time. But ..

You can't control time, but you can manage it. That is what the tables at stockstars  do. You just need to look for the period of time, when there are many U's and u's, and you know it will be an easy time to have a lot of energy to make connections. Or if you want peace and quiet, then find the time periods where there are loads of D's and d's. And then finally, you know you are not going to get anywhere, when you are in a period when there are no D's d's or U's and u's. Simple.  

Peaceful moments.

Hard aspects or when there are D's in the stockstars  report, you will find it is very quiet and peaceful. You can use this period to contemplate and find calm within.

The sexual power of soft aspects.

Soft aspects are the easy angles. The famous ones are 60 and 120 degrees. There are many others. The power powerful ones are shown as U's in stockstars . You will find that periods with two or more moments, will create the energy which will help all sorts of intimacy. Any physical interaction is very easy. That same energy will drive stock markets up. 

Your normal astrology chart.

Above is your normal Horoscope chart. It is for this moment. You can see Jupiter is rising and the basic angles being made.  But that is not enough. You need to see the dynamic. And that it why you need the table of aspects or the aspectarian as shown in stockstars .

How can you see the prevailing mood?

I measure the mood changes, by measuring the angles made between the planets. I have a blog that gives you the chronological order of the planets. You will find at Stockstars . Everyday I post the daily prediction based on the movement of the stock market. But you can use it for everyday life. Below is an example. The image above shows D's and U's for strong negative and positive energy. The d's and u's, are for weaker energies. You just need to find a time period when there is a focus of them. In the example above there are quite a lot of U's.  So what does it mean when you have a lot of U's? It means the mood is expanding. You can take chances. Positive periods produce very easy communication between people. If you are in sales, you will find it easy to contact and get a positive response. If it were D's, it would mean challenges. In these periods you will come across difficult situations that need to be addressed. So you lay the foundation fo...