Hard aspects or when there are D's in the stockstars report, you will find it is very quiet and peaceful. You can use this period to contemplate and find calm within.
With Moon in Sagittarius or Azar آذر ♐ now, it means you can understand foreign cultures. But that doesn't mean you can fly away with them all the time. To be a team, you need Aquarius or Bahman بهمن ♒. Sagittarius or Azar آذر ♐, or the 9th House deals with deep thoughts and exploration. The opposite Gemini or Khordad خرداد ♊, deals with logical simple connections, and nearby places. As with anything, you can get obsessed. Obsessed Sagittarius becomes a religious cult. Obsessed Gemini becomes a cynic. Trying to find the middle ground is what ancient Iranian Cosmology was all about. You need to obtain the middle ground by finding the two extremes that make the polarity. There will be a father of one extreme (Ohrmazd), versus a mother of another extreme (Ahriman). Their understanding will create the new born Ahuramazda. As Ahuramazdans you have then obtained the Good Thought. You then can repeat the process to obtain the understanding with Good Words. And finally you wil...
The mood of the moment is heavily influenced by the position of the Moon. It changes sign every two and a half days. So look up the meaning of the Moon in the sign it is in for each day. Obviously the position of it in your own horoscope matters. A good place to get all the details for yourself is from astro-seek .
Soft aspects are the easy angles. The famous ones are 60 and 120 degrees. There are many others. The power powerful ones are shown as U's in stockstars . You will find that periods with two or more moments, will create the energy which will help all sorts of intimacy. Any physical interaction is very easy. That same energy will drive stock markets up.
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